Few Common Idioms


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Here are some common idioms in English.

  • Rise to the occasion
    When you rise to the occasion, you are able to cope with the circumstances.
  • See eye to eye
    When you do not see eye to eye with someone, you do not agree with them.
  • Fair and square
    If a deal is fair and square, it is just and honest.
  • Flog a dead horse
    To flog a dead horse is to waste your time and energy on a cause that will not yield any results.
  • Face the music
    To face the music is to face criticism.
  • Fan the flame
    To fan the flame is to make a bad situation worse.
  • Feather one’s own nest
    To feather your own nest is to make yourself rich in ways that are unfair or dishonest.
  • From hand to mouth
    To live from hand to mouth is to live on very little money.
  • For good
    If someone leaves a country for good, they leave for ever.
  • To fish in troubled waters
    To fish in troubled waters is to take undue advantage of others’ problems.
  • The gift of gab
    The gift of gab is the power of speech
  • Grope in the dark
    To grope in the dark is to search in vain.
  • Grease the palm
    To grease the palm is to give someone money to persuade them to do something for you.
  • Gird up one’s loins
    To gird up one’s loins is to prepare oneself for difficult or dangerous actions.

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