Idioms and Phrases

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You may encounter phrases like this in the listening and reading sections of the PTE exam. These expressions can also be used in your essay (Writing Module), but only attempt to use expressions like this if you are certain of their proper use in context.

Rule of thumb- a rough estimate, a general guideline
e.g. It’s not always true, but it’s a good rule of thumb.

On the fence- undecided
e.g. I’ve examined the text, but I’m still on the fence about whether I agree or disagree that nuclear energy the best source of energy.

On one hand… On the other hand- in contrast
e.g. On one hand, it emits no air pollution. On the other hand, we cannot yet dispose of radioactive waste.

Bear in mind- actively remember
e.g. As we make decisions, we should bear in mind the pace of changing technology.

Up-and-coming- new and becoming popular or successful e.g. Up-and-coming new methods of generating electricity may change the energy industry.

Off the top of my head- without careful thought or investigation
I can't tell you off the top of my head

Comes to mind- to be thought of  -
e.gThree examples come to mind immediately.

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