PTE Academic Describe image Words


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Some Words or phrases for Describe image question type in PTE Academic

Explaining what the task shows
The table/ pie chart/ bar chart/ line graph/ map/ flow chart/ diagram/ illustration/ figures…
… shows/ represents/ gives data on/ presents statistics on/ compares…
… information/ data/ figures…

The vertical axis/ y axis is…
The horizontal axis/ x axis represents…
Selecting the most important information/ Giving overall information
… stands out (because…)
The first thing you notice looking at the graph is…
The biggest/ largest/ most noticeable/ most important/ most obvious + difference/
similarity/ trend is…
The main trend…
Over the entire period shown,…
It can be said that in general,…

Mentioning parts of what the image shows
The left-hand column/ first column/ middle column/ second column/ third column/ last
column/ right-hand column
The top row/ first row/ second row/ last row/ bottom row

stage of the process
in the North/ Northwest/ Southeast
top right/ bottom left/ middle/ Center
axis/ axes

Upward trends
To rise/ go up/ increase/ escalate/ climb/ grow/ expand/ soar/ take off
(nearly) double/ triple
A rise/ An increase
Reach a new high

Downward trends
To drop/ fall/ dive/ plunge/ crash/ decline/ decrease/ deteriorate/ plummet
A drop/ A fall/ A crash/ A decline/ A decrease/ A deterioration
Bottom out
(nearly) halve

Going up and down

Fluctuate/ Be unstable
Reach a peak
Recover/ Bounce back/ Pick up

Not changing
Remain stable
Flatten out

Big changes
Significant(ly)/ Substantial(ly)/ Dramatic(ally)/ Considerable(/bly), Sharp(ly)
Dive/ Plunge/ Crash/ Plummet
Rocket/ Shoot up/ Soar/ Take off

Small changes
Slight(ly)/ Gradual(ly)
Creep up
(far/ much/ substantially/ significantly/ slightly) …er/ more/ less…
(not) as…as…
(very) similar/ almost the same/ almost identical
in some ways similar to…
Comparing the… with/ to…

In contrast,…
… shows a rather/ very different pattern/ trend.
We can contrast this with…
… is almost the exact opposite.
… is (a/ the) (major) exception…

Sometime later…
After that…
The next/ following stage is…
This is followed by…
This reoccurs…
In the following hours/ days/ weeks/ months/ years,…
…, after which…
As soon as…,…

Switching from one aspect of image to another
Looking at…
Moving on to…
Turning our attention to…
In contrast to the… above,…

Conclusion/ Summary
We can therefore see that…
Together, the graph and bar chart show that…