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Online course for Online Exam


PTE Instructor-Led online course


If you are a busy individual and do not have time for preparation, join our instructor led online PTE course, where success is almost a guarantee. In this course, we make sure you learn and practice during the class session itself, so no outside class preparation is required. This is the most organized way to prepare for PTE Academic.

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PTE 1-on-1 Private Class


This type of course is perfect for students who are looking for more personalised training or who have already attempted this test but failed to achieve target score. Instructor work with you closely to improve your weakness. This course is the most aggressive and customised course to help you get your target score be it 65 or 79.

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PTE Practice Tests

US$20 One Test | US$55 Four Tests

Choose from a range of packages to suit your preparation needs which include single or multiple practice exams to familiarise you with the format of PTE Academic. The online  practice test is timed test just like the real PTE Academic test, so you get the best sense of how you will need to perform on your actual exam to achieve your goal.

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