How to get a better score at IELTS Listening

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    Before the exam

    1. Make sure you are aware of the rules for when to use capitalization.
    2. Improve your prediction skills by trying mock papers and answering the questions without listening. Some answers will be common sense.
    3. Practice listening to longer articles and listen out for specific details like names, countries, months. This will help you to stay focused and give you practice of listening for specific details.
    4. Becoming familiar with current events, and improving your knowledge of the UK will help. Listening to BBC Radio 4 is a good place to start! By learning names of people, institutions, organisations etc., you will be giving yourself more of a chance to understand what you are hearing. For example, if you are familiar with the expression ‘The Chancellor of the Exchequer’ you will recognize that the speaker is talking about the minister in charge of finance.

    During the exam

    5. Make sure that you spend the time before the listening begins reading the questions and predicting the answers or at least be aware of what type of answer you are listening for.
    6. Make a note of synonyms of keywords – these might be used in the text. For example, if the question asks you to write down the ‘number of vehicles’, by writing the words ‘cars, buses, lorries’ you will be opening your mind to other words that may be used instead of ‘vehicles’.
    7. If you think you have missed an answer move on. You do not want to be lost and losing one mark is not so bad.
    8. Always use the time you have to check as it is easy to make a spelling or grammar mistake, or an error with capitalization.
    9. Make a guess if you have no answer – use your own knowledge of the subject.
    10 Ensure that you have transferred your answers correctly.

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